How to clean keyboard keys for better typing experience?

How to clean keyboard keys for better typing experience?

How to clean keyboard keys
Have you noticed that your computer keyboard has become difficult to see and use after a period of use? Dirt, food crumbs, and oils from fingers easily adhere and accumulate on the keys, making them dirty and difficult to move. Failure to maintain keyboard hygiene not only affects the user experience but can also lead to damage and reduce the life of the device. However, don't worry! In this article, Enthkey will show you how to clean keyboard keys safely and effectively. Applying these simple steps regularly will help you keep your keyboard clean, smooth, and in good working order for many years.

The importance of keeping your keyboard clean

The keyboard is one of the most important input devices in a computer system. We use keyboards every day to enter data, communicate, and perform various tasks on the computer. However, due to frequent use, keyboards are susceptible to the accumulation of dirt, food crumbs, oil from fingers, and other contaminants. Keeping your keyboard clean not only helps maintain its aesthetic appearance but also brings many other benefits such as:
  • Extends the life of your keyboard: Dirt and dirt can damage the key mechanism, leading to keys that get stuck or don't work.
  • Increase productivity: A clean keyboard ensures accurate and responsive input response, helping to increase productivity.
  • Prevents the growth of bacteria and mold: Humid environments and food waste on the keyboard are ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria and mold, which can cause health problems .
  • Enhance user experience: A clean keyboard is not only beautiful but also comfortable to use, helping users focus on their work.

Possible problems when the keyboard is dirty

If the keyboard is not properly cleaned and maintained, the following problems can result:
  1. Keys are stuck or not working: Dirt and dirt accumulated under the keys can interfere with the key's mechanism, causing the key to get stuck or not respond when pressed.
  2. Inaccurate data entry: Food particles, liquid or oil from fingers can cause keys to slide or activate incorrectly, leading to incorrect data entry.
  3. Damage and reduced lifespan: Dirty environments can damage the electronic components inside the keyboard, leading to damage and reduced lifespan of the device.
  4. Health risks: Dirt, bacteria and mold accumulated on the keyboard can cause health problems such as allergies, infections or respiratory diseases.
  5. Unsightly appearance: A dirty keyboard will lose its professional appearance and give a bad impression to the user as well as those around him.

To avoid these problems, regular keyboard cleaning is essential. By maintaining a clean keyboard, we not only prolong the life of our equipment, but also ensure productivity and create a safe, comfortable work environment.

Prepare necessary supplies

Before starting the keyboard cleaning process, you need to prepare some necessary items to ensure effective and safe cleaning of your device.

Soft towel or tissue paper

A soft cloth or clean tissue will help you clean the keyboard surface gently without scratching or damaging the keys. Soft cotton or microfiber towels are the best choice. They have good dust-absorbing and absorbent properties.

Compressed air spray or handheld vacuum cleaner

A compressed air sprayer or handheld vacuum cleaner will help you blow or vacuum small bits of dirt and debris out of crevices and spaces between keys. These tools will help you effectively remove dirt that is difficult to reach with normal cleaning.

Keyboard safe cleaning solution (optional)

If your keyboard is severely dirty or has liquid stains, you can use a keyboard-safe cleaning solution. However, please note that not all cleaning solutions are suitable for keyboards. Solutions containing strong ingredients such as ammonia, acetone or alcohol can damage the cover or damage the electronic components inside the keyboard. Some safe options include:
  • Special cleaning solution for keyboards and electronic devices
  • Diluted mild detergent
  • Homemade cleaning solution from water and vinegar

If you decide to use a cleaning solution, read the instructions carefully and check that the solution is safe for your keyboard. Always test on a small key before applying the entire keyboard.

Steps to clean the keyboard

After you have prepared all the necessary supplies, you can begin cleaning the keyboard with the following steps:

Turn off the computer or disconnect the keyboard

Before cleaning, you need to turn off the computer or disconnect the keyboard from the computer. This helps ensure that no data is accidentally entered during the cleaning process and avoids the risk of damage due to accidental drops of liquid or foreign objects onto the keyboard.

Turn the keyboard upside down and shake gently to remove large debris

Hold the keyboard face down on a clean surface and shake it gently to remove large debris such as breadcrumbs, snacks, or paper stuck between the keys. This will make it easier for you in the next steps.

Use a compressed air sprayer or handheld vacuum cleaner to blow out crevices

With a compressed air sprayer or handheld vacuum, you can blow or vacuum away small, hard-to-see bits of dirt and debris in the crevices between keys and surrounding areas. Blow compressed air from different angles to ensure all hard-to-reach dirt is removed.

Clean the key surface with a soft cloth or tissue paper

Use a soft cloth or tissue paper to gently wipe the surface of the keys. You can press gently to remove stubborn stains or oil from your fingers. However, avoid pressing too hard as it may damage the key's mechanism.

Use safe cleaning solution (if necessary)

If your keyboard is severely dirty or has liquid stains, you can use a keyboard-safe cleaning solution. Dip a soft cloth or tissue paper into the cleaning solution and gently wipe the key surface. Avoid letting liquid seep deep into the crevices of the keyboard. Note: If you use a cleaning solution, read the instructions carefully and check that the solution is safe for your keyboard. Always test on a small key before applying the entire keyboard.

Clean the area around the keyboard

Clean the worktop surface

After you finish cleaning your keyboard, you should take the time to thoroughly clean the surrounding desk surface. Using a damp cloth or tissue, wipe off dust, food crumbs, drink stains, or any other dirt on the worktop. Be sure to thoroughly clean hard-to-reach areas such as table corners or gaps between the table and wall. This will help maintain a clean, tidy work environment and prevent dust and dirt from accumulating on your keyboard.

Clean the area around the keyboard

Besides the desk surface, you should also not ignore cleaning the area around the keyboard, including the space between the keyboard and computer screen, the area around the computer mouse and any other devices. any other auxiliaries on the desk. Use damp cloth or tissue to remove dirt, food crumbs, finger oils, or other stains in this area. This is a place where dust and dirt can easily accumulate, which many people often ignore. Cleaning the area around the keyboard not only helps maintain a clean and tidy working environment, but also effectively prevents dust and dirt from accumulating, reducing the effectiveness of keyboard cleaning. A clean working environment will create a feeling of comfort, increase productivity and help prolong the life of office equipment.

Notes and precautions

Avoid using harsh or corrosive cleaners

When cleaning your keyboard, you should absolutely avoid using harsh or corrosive cleaning agents such as ammonia, acetone, alcohol, or similar chemicals. These substances can damage the cover, corrode the key surface or even damage the electronic components inside the keyboard. Instead, use a safe cleaning solution made specifically for electronics or a homemade solution of water and white vinegar.

Do not let the keyboard get wet

During the cleaning process, you need to make sure not to let the keyboard get wet. Use a damp but not too wet towel or tissue. If liquid is accidentally spilled on the keyboard, quickly disconnect the keyboard from the computer and let it dry completely before using it again. Liquids can cause short circuits or serious damage to the keyboard.

Clean regularly to avoid dirt accumulation

To maintain a clean and optimally functioning keyboard, regular cleaning is essential. You should plan to clean your keyboard at least once every week or two, depending on your usage and work environment. Regular cleaning will prevent the build-up of dirt, grime, and finger oils, helping to prolong the life of your keyboard and create a clean, comfortable work environment. Besides, you should also take precautions such as not eating or drinking while using the keyboard, regularly washing your hands and maintaining personal hygiene to limit the amount of dust and dirt that accumulates on the keyboard.


Learning how to clean keyboard keys is essential to maintaining optimal performance and extending the life of your device. By following Enthkey's safe and effective keys cleaning guide, you can remove dirt, food debris, and other build-up, helping your keys operate more smoothly. Maintaining a clean keyboard, especially the keys, will improve user experience, productivity, and health. Make learning how to clean keyboard keys a habit, so your device is always maintained at its best.

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